Henry Graham BRADSHAW

Year of Birth:  1895

Place of Birth:  Watsonville, Queensland

Date of Enlistment:  10 November 1915

Date and Place of Embarkation:  18 May 1916, Sydney, New South Wales

Ship:  HMAT Demosthenes A64

Rank:  Private

Unit(s):  41st Australian Infantry Battalion; 11th Light Trench Mortar Battery

Regimental Number:  383

Died:  1 September 1918

Henry Graham Bradshaw - photo courtesy of Discovering Anzacs

Henry Graham Bradshaw was born in Watsonville, Qld., on the 6 December 1895 to Henry William Bradshaw and Margaret Graham Arbouin (nee Graham), his brother Edwin William, was born 11 December 1896.

There were also three step brothers and sisters, Charles Edward Arboun born 1885, Janet Isabel 1887 and Catherine 1889.   Margaret’s husband James Oliver Arbouin was killed by lightning in 1892.

Henry Graham’s mother died on the 28 August 1898 in the Herberton Hospital and is buried in the Watsonville Pioneer Cemetery.  His father Henry William died 25 January 1912 in Walsh District Hospital Irvinebank.  He had been residing at the Vulcan Mine in Irvinebank.

On his enlistment Henry Graham was 19 years 10 months, his occupation was a miner and his next of kin was his Uncle Joe Bradshaw, Cairns.  His height was 5 feet 4 inches, weighed 128 pounds with fair complexion, grey eyes and fair hair.  His religion was Church of England.

Henry Graham stated on his enlistment that he had spent 6 months on Thursday Island with the Kennedy Regiment.

He was wounded twice and returned to the field and on the 1 September 1918 he was wounded again and died of wounds on the 1 September 1918.

Henry Graham Bradshaw was buried in the Suzanne Communal Cemetery – 6 miles east of Albert, France.

HMAT Demosthenes A64 - photo courtesy Australian War Memorial
Roll of Honour Circular. Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial

Online Resources

Photograph of the: HMAT Demosthenes A64, Australian War Memorial

NAA: B2455, Henry Graham Bradshaw, National Archives of Australia

Discovering Anzacs

Other Resources

The First Expeditionary Force: the Thursday Island Expedition: a collection of reference documents. Denis Bird, 2015 [CDFHS Library]

If you have a photograph or further information about this soldier you would like to share and add to his biography, please contact the Society at projects@cdfhs.org or leave a comment below. Thank you!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mark Bradshaw

    Seaching William Heath Bradshaw and Joseph Zaddock Bradshaw

    1. Melanie Dunstan

      Were they from Cairns Mark? – Mel – Vice President CDFHS

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