Research Service
Would you like to know more about your family?
We offer a Genealogy Research Service to help you find your ancestors!
Members who live outside of the Cairns Regional Council area
- Cairns Family History offers three hours FREE research per membership year for members NOT resident in the Cairns Regional Council area.
- Further research in that year costs $20 per hour.
- Become a member now and save!
Members who live in the Cairns Regional Council area
- If you live in the Cairns Regional Council area you have unlimited access to our Library, subscription databases, and help from our experienced Research Assistants.
- If you are unable to access the Library for reasons of impairment or health, members who live in the Cairns Regional Council area are entitled to 1 hour FREE research per membership year.
- Research for members living in the Cairns Regional Council area costs $20 per hour.
- Research is available at $30.00 per hour. Copying charges are additional.
- Become a member now and save!
Payment methods
- Direct deposit to our bank account (please contact us for BSB details)
- Visa, Mastercard or PayPal – Enter your name, contact, click Pay Now, then enter the amount to be paid (a PayPal account is not required to pay by Visa or Mastercard).
- Contact the Research Coordinator if you require assistance.
Where do we research?
- We have access to millions of records worldwide.
- We have access to the Society’s Far North Queensland indexes and records.
- Our research service is not restricted to Far North Queensland. We will research family for you in all Australian states and territories and anywhere overseas.
Our Research Team
- We have a team of experience researchers willing to help you.
- Our research team will use professional ancestral research methods.
- Many have expertise in specific geographic areas or subject areas.
What will I receive?
- You will receive a written report, referencing all resources consulted, and copies of documents, photos or other items discovered.
- Tell us what you would like to know:
- Email a brief outline of your research requirements to or complete the above research request form, print, scan and email it to us, or bring it into the rooms.
- For further information contact our Research Coordinator:
DNA Consultations and Research Service
We have one on one sessions available at the rooms. Please contact us for further information. For further information Contact our DNA Team: