Stop! That’s your family!
Coincidence? Fate? Serendipity? Call it what you like, but it happened. My husband Ron and I were passing through Bowen in North Queensland recently, when we got a bit lost…
Coincidence? Fate? Serendipity? Call it what you like, but it happened. My husband Ron and I were passing through Bowen in North Queensland recently, when we got a bit lost…
Cairns & District Family History Society Inc finally has a vibrant new website up and running, ready for visitors!
The former website served its purpose very well for many years, mainly as a static information site. (more…)
The Shadows of the Past night-time cemetery performances hosted by the Cairns & District Family History Society Inc has been completely booked out and a wonderful success again this year! Actors volunteered their time, and the music was provided by the Cairns Brass Band. The performances were produced by community theatre director, Avril Duck. (more…)
Cairns FHS has a bunch of new DIGgers… our own DNA Interest Group! Over 20 people turned up for the first presentation on using DNA in genealogy, and 15 presented for the inaugural DNA Interest Group meeting held last Saturday. (more…)