The lead photo (see below) for the Ceylon Civil Widow and Orphan Fund Application index features a couple of British officials surrounded by native Sinhalese and Tamil head men who were to become the backbone of the British Ceylon Administration.
No British official spoke the Sinhalese or Tamil language when the British and East India Company Armies took over from the Dutch in 1796/7.
The Dutch Government and Church officials sought employment and resettlement in other Dutch Colonies or Holland leaving a vacuum in communication and administration of and within the Native population.

After a disastrous 2 year administration under the East India Company Madras Presidency and British Officials, which included importing Indian Tax collectors to harass the local people, a joint Government was formed with The Hon Frederic North (The youngest son of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Lord North) representing Great Britain and Lord Clive of the Madras Presidency of the East India Company.
In 1802 Hon Frederick North was appointed the first Governor of the British Colony of Ceylon as Holland ceded Ceylon to Great Britain under the Peace Treaty of Amiens. North then appointed the local head men to important positions to help foster peace and harmony to the villagers.
Sinhalese Head men in low country
- Mudaliyar
- Muhandiram
- Archichi
- Vidane
- Kanganies
Sinhalese Head men. Kandy up country, post 1815
- Adigar
- Dissava
- Rata Mahatmaya
- Korale Muhaihilhaya or Korale.
- Muhandiram
- Arachichi
- Vidane
- Kanganies
Tamil Head North and Eastern Provinces
- Mudaliyar
- Maniagar
- Udayar,Vanniah, Vidane…in charge of a village
- Kanganies
Ceylon Civil Service Widow and Orphan Fund Applications
There are currently over 2000 families in the Ceylon Civil Service Widow and Orphan Fund Applications database.
Another 2000 names will be added next month, with updates every month henceforth.
Please check the Ceylon Civil Widow and Orphan Fund Applications index after the 25th of each month to view the latest additions to the database.
My name is Judith Pietersz and I am trying to find photos of my Paternal Great Grand Father John philip william pietersz born 1839.He was an Inspector of Police.
Can you help me?
Hi Judith – Can you give us more information? Where he lived in Cairns or in Ceylon?
Hi Melanie
John philip william pietersz lived in sri lanka. He was married to Caroline Evangeline Melder and later to Helen Marian Prins in Sri lanka. He was in the Police force and was an Inspector of Police.
Judith, photography world wide was in it’s infancy in the years of your paternal great grand father’s career. Family photos are usually something found within the close extended families for special occasions, such as weddings and christenings, birthdays and Christmas. I would suggest you follow the Melder- Prins lines and see if your G Grandfather was in any wedding or other close family photos.The first thing to do is see if he is in your grandparents, or your Great Aunt’s and Uncle’s family photo albums. Cheers, Larry.