Stories from the Shadows – Mary Anne Lovelock
Mary Anne Lovelock was the second of seven children born to George and Mary (nee Shanahan) Lovelock. Mary Anne was born on the 24 January, 1869 in Bowen, Queensland. Mary…
Mary Anne Lovelock was the second of seven children born to George and Mary (nee Shanahan) Lovelock. Mary Anne was born on the 24 January, 1869 in Bowen, Queensland. Mary…
You just never know what treasures you might find hidden in the bookshelves of historical collections. Whilst browsing in the Queensland section of the Cairns & District Family History Society's…
After 134 years, the Cairns park known as Munro Martin Park has had a welcome ‘greening’. The new parklands were officially opened by the Cairns Regional Council and guests during…
Visitors to Cairns & District Family History society usually know a little about their recent family history, and are keen to use CDFHS resources to learn more about earlier generations and start building a family tree.
Not Bob Taylor. When he joined CDFHS in late 2015, the only facts that he knew were his name, his date of birth, and from his birth certificate that his mother was named Sheila Taylor. (more…)
CDFHS has been informed of the existence of a marble plaque - broken in two - that was found in a building in Cairns which is set for demolition. There…
Email from David (Nov, 2015)
I was born in Cairns in 1947 and my mother kept me for a short time and then decided to adopt me out. I had always known my birth mother’s name but had never been successful in tracking down any information. (more…)
Those who frequent the current Cairns & District Family History Society building at 20-30 Hartley Street may be interested to see what the address looked like when I grew up on the same site during the mid-1950s and early 1960s. (more…)
I have just spent three absorbing, and very educational days with Niles Elvery, Regional Coordinator, and three other members of the Q ANZAC 100 team from the State Library of Queensland. The first morning was a unique opportunity to look at some of the State Library’s precious original First World War materials. (more…)
Cairns & District Family History Society was fortunate to have Dr Jan Wegner, Senior Lecturer from James Cook University in Cairns, visit our Resource Centre on Saturday, 21 March, and give us a detailed presentation on how to research properties and explore the history of houses in Queensland. (more…)
Are you having trouble viewing some digital images linked to the Qld State Archives Indexes? Well, that was a problem that I was having, as were some other researchers. (more…)
Cairns Post Tuesday 3 Feb, 2015The following article appeared prominently in the Cairns Post yesterday. It features the McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetery education kit researched and written by Cairns & District…
Need help starting to search your family tree? Need help with a brick-wall?
Cairns & District Family History Society is holding family history Drop-In Genealogy Clinics commencing Saturday 24th January, 2015 (free to newcomers!). (more…)
Late last year, CDFHS was invited to submit an article for the January 2015 issue of Cairns Life Magazine as a part of their special holiday feature on 2015 Bucket List Experiences. (more…)
In November 2014, I was lucky enough to attend a very special commemorative evening held in Herberton, North Queensland – my home town.
The Herberton Lions Club hosted an evening presentation including a history walk through their local cemetery. (more…)
McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetery – Student Education PackCairns Regional Council has just released the Student Education Pack for the beautiful heritage-listed McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetery.The pack, which consists of Teacher’s…